en Español

Enroll now for the NMT Quick-Care Workshop, March 4, 5, and 6, 2011 at:

Lafontaine 78,
Col. Polanco
México, D.F.

Register Online

For more information on bank transfer or other payment options please call or email:
Diana Morales
Tel. 55 5280 0819

Cost per person: $6,000.00 pesos  ($500 USD)  to be received by February 25. 50% is a non-refundable deposit in case of cancellation.


Discover the one cause of illness and pain that no pill can cure and no surgery can repair.  Every person has a blueprint for healing, an innate capacity to transform illness to wellness.  When the body becomes stuck in any illness behavior and fails to heal itself as it was designed to do, that blueprint is distorted and the mind-body’s systems to repair and restore have become confused.  Discover the NeuroModulation Technique (NMT) method of “informational medicine”, learn the key to revealing and correcting the informational basis of illness, and suffering.

 For the first time in Mexico City, NMT creator Dr. Leslie Feinberg is teaching a powerful and exciting 3 day  NeuroModulation Technique (NMT) Quick Care workshop on March 4,5, and 6, 2011 at the beautiful Agoralucis center located at 78 Lafontaine in Polanco.   Developed in the United States by Dr. Feinberg and taught by him since 2002 in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, NMT is unique in the healing world.   NMT Quick Care is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to create in the mind-body a spectacular and immediate healing transformation.  The NMT Quick Care seminar is designed to be easily learned by any individual to bring health to themselves and their family and is also an entry level workshop for all health care practitioners.  By the conclusion of the workshop, students will have a new understanding of why we become sick and will be able to easily apply the NMT Quick Care method to bring rapid relief for a wide variety of health problems for which conventional medicine is often ineffective.

The NMT Quick Care Workshop will feature incredible new tool called the NMT Affective States Pathway to give quick relief of emotional and psychological pain and suffering.  In the NMT model, emotions set the operating mode and tone of the mind-body.  No emotion is good or bad, but when we become locked into particular emotions that aren’t appropriate to the present moment they misdirect the body into a disease state.  Can you imagine that an allergy sufferer’s immune system might be stuck in a mode of fear causing it to react against foods or airborne substances that are not really a threat?  Can you imagine that arthritis might represent a mind-body stuck in a mode of rage?  NMT Quick Care offers tools to immediately find and fix these self-destructive nervous system patterns and restore a healthy emotional and psychological state.

The NMT Quick Care Workshop features the following easy to use “clinical pathways” to retrain the mind-body to efficient application of its innate capacity to heal:

NMT Quick Care Sensory-Motor Pathway:  Resolve pain, even pain of months or years duration in minutes.  This incredible NMT module for control of musculoskeletal symptoms like pain and stiffness succeeds where pain meds and muscle relaxers have been of little help.  Imagine being able to stop pain and release muscle tightness in moments with no pills.

NMT Quick Care Infectious Agent Pathway:  Ever wonder why one person in a family gets an infection and another doesn’t.  It’s all about how accurately and efficiently the immune system is reading and responding to the challenge of pathogenic microbes.  NMT Quick Care retrains the immune system to recognize and respond to infection – bringing a quick end to respiratory, digestive, skin, and other types of infection without dangerous antibiotics.

NMT Quick Care Allergy and Autoimmune Pathway: Surely allergy and autoimmune disease are conditions that clearly reflect confusion of the body’s systems to regulate its function.  How else to explain why our own immune system would attack itself or make itself ill in response to exposure to foods or environmental exposures that offer no real threat.  NMT resolves allergies of all types by finding and fixing the nervous system confusion that causes them.

NMT Quick Care Toxin Pathway: Optimize the body’s innate power to create specific enzymes to break down and eliminate toxins from the body.  Laboratory studies have shown 2x-3x increases in heavy metal elimination – solely by application of the NMT Toxin Pathway.

Are you a health care provider looking for new, simple, and effective ways to help your clients?  Are you simply a person who would like to help yourself, your friends, and your family and finally have some real power and control in matters of health instead of being a passive consumer of drugs and medical care?  Whoever you are, the NMT Quick Care Workshop will transform your life and the lives of those you help with your new NMT skills. 
Plan now to join us for the most interesting and valuable workshop you have ever attended!

Note: The workshop is taught in English Dr. Leslie Feinberg with help and clarification in Spanish by Psic. Diana Morales. (No simultaneous translation).

Lafontaine 78,
Col. Polanco
México, D.F.



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Copyright 2006. NMT.md, NMTseminars.com, NeuroModulationTechnique.com. P.O. Box 67 Hermiston, OR 97838. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Disclaimer: All material provided in the NMT website is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any information provided in this website to your symptoms or medical condition.